Yes! We are officially on vacation! We arrived in San Diego Tuesday afternoon after what will now be known as "The Flight from Hell". Turbulent skies, you may be wondering...No. Terrible Two Year Old? YES! Our first flight from Kalispell to Salt Lake was fine. After a quick layover, we preboarded the flight to San Diego and were in the very back of the plane. Tyler was in his carseat on the plane, because he is a very squirmy kid and a lap belt would not contain him. We thought (hoped?) he would fall asleep, but that was not to be. Kicking the seat in front of him, screeching for fun, and peeing all over the place (including my lap) were the events that unfolded in that next hour. And just before we landed, spilling my soda all over the carseat! Awesome! But once we arrived at Nana & Papie's, Tyler became an angel. We had plans to go to the Padres game and decided we needed an outing, so we packed up again and headed down to Petco Park to meet our friends Brent and Lynn. The game was great, we all had so much fun, and Tyler was hilarious! He really got into the cheering and loved the atmosphere (not to mention the hot dog and ice cream!) Needless to say, it was a super ending to a stressful day, and we all slept like rocks. Next adventure: the beach!

Field level seats! Thanks Lynn!

Tyler taking in the action

Touchdown! He hasn't learned the signal for home run yet...

Enjoying the game and getting ready for the wave to come back around

Scott, Tyler, Stef, Lynn, and Brent
enjoying a great game at beautiful Petco Park