We just returned from a week-long trip to the Bay Area. We were in San Francisco for 5 days and then stayed in the Napa Valley for 3 days. We were able to see see friends and family, go to an A's game, take a ferry ride to Sausalito, and go to our friends Erik and Nicole's wedding. It was a great trip!
Getting ready to take the ferry to Sausalito. It was a gorgeous afternoon and we were able to eat at our favorite restaurant over there with a beautiful view of the water.
Tailgating in the parking lot before the game, just like old times.
Let's go Oakland! The A's won at Tyler's first baseball game.
Enjoying a picnic and some wine at Viansa winery.
View of the Napa Valley
A private tour and tasting at Duckhorn. It was a fabulous experience with delicious wine and cheese pairings.
Scott and Tyler at the entrance to Castello de Amorosa, a winery that has been modeled after an 18th century Tuscan castle.
At Rombauer vineyards. We also had a private tour and tasting here.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful. They were married at Sts. Peter and Paul's Church in San Francisco. The reception was out at the Olympic Club and was a lot of fun.
We were at the Kappa Sigma table. It was great to see these guys again!
Time to hit the dance floor!
Monkeying around at the SFO airport as we wait for our flight.

What a handsome couple!! Love the picture of you
both at the wedding. Who took the picture of all
of you at the pier? great shot!! All the pictures are wonderful as was our short visit. I am jealous that
I did not get to go to duckhorn winery...maybe
another time.
Smooch Tyler Stinker for me. What a joy to spend time with him.
Love to all,
Chris & Neal XXOOXXOO
Naturellement, you know Papie and I are envious. We would have loved being with you, and we would have been able to babysit our little rascal to free the grandparents- make no mistake: they loved their role- I think Rick will take Tyler fishing in a year or 2, or 3; that will create a special bond for sure. Fafa will teach him French: french songs, french kisses, after all he is a quarter French: good blood and good genes; ha! Ha!.Nana
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