We got some fresh snow so we decided to take Tyler out to try his new sled. He really enjoyed his little spin around the yard and up and down the sidewalk. Daddy can't wait to get him on the mountain, but Mommy says we'll have to wait until at least next year!

What is this stuff and where did my arm go?


Come on, pull me again, enough of the pictures!

Of course Kirby had to get in on the fun!

I like this snow stuff!
Tyler has become quite chatty. He likes to talk while playing, eating, walking. Oh yes, he is walking everywhere now! He walks more than he crawls. It was such a quick transition. As soon as we catch some good footage I will post it.
The age of discovery: new stuff like snow, so fluffy and so cold...new rides in a sled...so much fun...faster...faster... and now a ride on a horse. I will be a real Montana man, an outdoors guy who loves to ride, to ski, to skate, to play with my Dad and with my Mom; if she wants to see us, she will have to join us, This is what Tyler is telling Nana
about 1 year ago you were not feeling too well.
could it be labor?? after a lovely massage??
what the heck is going on?
and then, lo and behold the most beautiful baby
boy was born. everyone was so happy...what a way
to start a NEW year!! He should have waited 1 more day for PaPa Rick's 60th birthday..I digress... We are
all so pleased to have Tyler Stinker with us now.
He is such a happy boy with the best parents!
God Love You All. I know the rest of us do.
fun Aunt Chris & Uncle Neal
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