Friday, February 26, 2010
New Favorite Food
After dinner tonight, we decided to see if Tyler liked whipped cream... 
Guess what? He loved it! I think we may have created a monster... or a future pastry chef?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Winter Olympics
The Larkins are Olympic lovers. We have them on all of the time, whether it is ice skating, skiing, curling, or even ice dancing (which we think is kind of a fake sport), we are watching. So when the Peppmeiers invited us over for an Olympic-themed party, of course we had to partake! Thank you Doug and Kelly for a great time!

I went dressed as skier Julia Mancuso and Scott was Apolo Ohno

Tyler was Team Captain and snoozed out on the ottoman after playing

We think this picture looks like he is wearing hockey pads
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
We had a quiet Valentine's Day at home. Scott was able to ski a few runs today while Tyler took a 2 hour snooze (yay!) and I made some cute little cherry pocket pies. We had a delicious dinner of champagne, big ol' king crab legs, and ribeye steak. Everything was delicious, we were really enjoying dinner, and then a certain little monkey had to scream because he wanted to be included.... so we sat him in his seat and gave him something to play with. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Tyler especially wanted to shout out to that babe Annemarie- catch you next week for a playdate and a kiss!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Winter Carnival
Yesterday was the Winter Carnival Parade down Central Avenue. The best place to catch the action? From the roof of the Northern, of course! Nico, Tyler, and I went out to lunch before the parade, then went down to the bar. Tyler cruised around for awhile, then took a big nap during the parade. Of course, being the busiest day of the year, Scott had to work all day. Although we missed Daddy, we still had a great day.

Tyler enjoying his favorite meal of quesadilla and guacamole
Checking the parade route before the action starts. Thanks for the hat, Godmother! Everyone commented on it all day!
Views from our rooftop perch
Saturday, February 6, 2010
What's New?
We have had a busy week. I was fortunate enough to only work on Monday, so that meant lots of time with my boys. Kirby had a teeth cleaning on Wednesday and now his pearly whites are nice and shiny. Tyler had a playdate with Annemarie on Friday and really liked playing with someone else's toys. I am taking a weekly knitting class with my friends and really enjoying it. Nana taught me how to knit when I was younger, but I had completely forgotten how to do it. So far I have made half of a scarf and am starting on a hat. Scott has been able to get out and enjoy the snow, skiing both Big Mountain and doing cross country out at the golf course. This weekend is Winter Carnival, traditionally the busiest weekend of the year. Our little town is full of visitors, both American and Canadian, and we plan on heading out to enjoy the festivities.

Tyler loves playing with remotes and cellphones- what a boy!

Thanks Annemarie and Kelly for letting us come over and play! I loved the trampoline!
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