We have had a busy week. I was fortunate enough to only work on Monday, so that meant lots of time with my boys. Kirby had a teeth cleaning on Wednesday and now his pearly whites are nice and shiny. Tyler had a playdate with Annemarie on Friday and really liked playing with someone else's toys. I am taking a weekly knitting class with my friends and really enjoying it. Nana taught me how to knit when I was younger, but I had completely forgotten how to do it. So far I have made half of a scarf and am starting on a hat. Scott has been able to get out and enjoy the snow, skiing both Big Mountain and doing cross country out at the golf course. This weekend is Winter Carnival, traditionally the busiest weekend of the year. Our little town is full of visitors, both American and Canadian, and we plan on heading out to enjoy the festivities.

Tyler loves playing with remotes and cellphones- what a boy!

Thanks Annemarie and Kelly for letting us come over and play! I loved the trampoline!
1 comment:
My great grand son is not a baby any more; he seems to enjoy all games for little boys from electronics to trampoline. He is beautiful, looks inquisitive and curious of the universe around him all obvious signs of an active mind. Soon, when he talks, he'll be full of questions. Be prepared, he will not be satisfied until you answer all of them even those that will leave you perplexed. Nana
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