We had the annual Great Northern Employee Camping Trip on Monday night. We have it at the group pavilion site at Tally Lake, and it works out very well. The weather this year was in the 60's, dropping into the 40's as the sun went down. Everyone still had a great time. Tyler explored the area and discovered some bear scat by the river. Luckily the only wildlife we actually saw were deer and some very cute bunnies. Hopefully next year will be a bit warmer for us so Tyler and I can actually spend the night!
Tyler and Daddy by the footbridge (I discovered the lens was smudged after these pictures were taken... with some tiny fingerprints!)
The pavilion at Tally Lake. It has fire pits, a bbq grill, and lots of picnic tables and campsites. The guys played bocce ball and ladder golf to pass the time.
After camping, Tyler needed a bath! Scott had to use the hairdryer to dry his hair....

...extra volume and extra curly!!!
Omigod! I LOVE his curls! He is so stinking cute! Love you guys!
I recognize some of the genes that young gentleman inherited: The beautiful hair color of his grandmother Fafa,( until the Las Vegas sun bleached it). The curls from his grandfather Rick. The magnificent blue eyes of his Mommy, and the high intelligent forehead of his Daddy. Result: PERFECTION.
PS I hope he also has the resilience, smarts, and love of nature from his greatgrandparents. With great love. Nana
Second look: He also has the Heitert's ear shape with a tiny lobe. Nana
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