Tyler loves to climb the stairs. He is so fast, before you know it he is more than halfway to the top and laughing. He knows that he is not supposed to do this, so of course, he does. When we put a gate at the bottom, he cries and throws his head back like you just took away his favorite toy. What a monkey...

He also is becoming quite a good little walker, really not crawling at all anymore. He gets going pretty fast now and we have great games of "chase around the island". He is so funny and laughs so often, it is the best sound in the world.
But he is such a handsome monkey!!!
And most of all, he is my FAVORITE monkey!!
Hugs & kisses to Tyler Stinker.
Fun Aunt Chris
Trouble! trouble! He is well on his way to the "terrible twos". Beware. But put yourself in his place: Look at his size and the elevation of the stairs; what would the stairs seem to you proportioned to your size: a steep hill. It is a challenge for him to conquer it, he succeeds so it makes him happy and he laughs. He will be an explorer, a mountaineer ready to conquer the universe. Go Tyler! Nana
My gosh, your little guy is such a big guy now!
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