Scott's birthday is on St. Patricks Day. This year, he had the dreaded norovirus which has swept our area. Since he was confined to the couch on his big day, there was no celebration. We surprised him last night with a birthday party after he had the first golf outing of the season. Happy Birthday Scott! We love you!

Tyler was all about celebrating Daddy's big day

Kirby even got a haircut for the occassion!
This video was actually taken on Scott's birthday... although he isn't in it. It shows how Tyler manages to go down the stairs. He has mastered the stairs in the house as well, both going up in record time and coming down on his tummy with a thumpity thump thump. Such a big boy!
Happy Day every day Scott. Celebrate life one day at at time with your best pals: spouse and son. It is so much fun and pride to see your baby boy progressing every day, accomplishing daring adventures with a smile. He has to be watched closely when he ventures in the great outdoors. Soon, he will graduate from the baba ba ba...conversations with a thousand questions every day, and, he will request answers right away, busy or not. Take good care of each other. With Love, Nana
P.S. I forgot to mention how Tyler's tweetering/babbling made us laugh. It is delightful because you hear his joy as being able to achieve what he wanted to accomplish. He is a happy child.
I remember many years ago when the Heiterts were
living in Denver and you had the staircase that Nico
slid down on his tummy. Remember? let's hope
Tyler does not learn that stunt.
So glad Scott feels better.
Love to you all.
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