Tyler likes to climb on the couch and hide behind the cushions. It's amazing what he finds back there (mostly Kirby's toys). Today I found him back there playing with Kirby's plastic bone. He also has taken a liking to hiding from us. At Kathy's house, he hides between the couch and the woodstove (don't worry, it's not hot), and my mom found him at her house hiding next to the hutch, but behind some plants. What a monkey! I guess the question remains, what is he hiding from?

Well he'll love to play hide-and-go-seek when he gets older:)-JOy larkin
He is so stinkin cute! I can't wait to see him this summer! He is getting so big! Love you guys!
Love, Aunt Katie
Peek-a-boo! I believe he wants to tease you... catch me if you can... He loves to play games and would be very disappointed if you did not find him. But, maybe foreboding of what he will do 10 years from now, so beware. Meanwhile enjoy his laughter and his playful disposition.He is happy child, thanks to his wonderful parents, grandparents and family. He is a privileged child. Nana
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