Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Goose Gets a Haircut

Yesterday was Tyler's very first haircut. His curly locks in the back were reaching to his shoulder blades when wet, and there is a picture of him with a ponytail floating around somewhere. Well, that did it, and we walked into the Clip Joint to get a trim. He was a super good boy. I read him a story while he got his hair cut. Aren't books great?!

On a booster seat, and tied to the chair with a cape
Pointing out all of the animals

Oooh, how is it from this angle?

He looks like a little man with his hair parted!

The final result! Still curls, but no tangles. He got to ride on the mechanical horse after he was done. He loved it until they turned it on, then the "nonononononono!" meant he was done!


Anonymous said...

Long locks or short locks...Tyler is still thee
most handsome boy!!

Anonymous said...

I was afraid the the curls would go with the first haircut. But they are still there. You have to preserve them, his hair is beautiful, I would like to see the photo with the poney tail though. Now Xmas is gone, done with. A new year is coming, we wish you a very happyy, healthy and prosperous one, hoping we will be able to see you on our shores. Great love from me!