Wednesday, November 12, 2008

San Diego

Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach
A couple of weeks ago, my mom, Scott's mom, and I went to San Diego to have the family baby shower. We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at my Aunt Chris and Uncle Neal's house overlooking the ocean and were able to spend time with my grandparents, Aunt Veronica, Scott's sister Joy and stepmom Gayle, and cousins Kate, Anne, Meredith, and Leigh. It was so great to see everyone and be able to enjoy the California sun. Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts and words of advice and support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT picture!! Is that a skateboard
FaFa is holding? Remember, I have old eyes.
I feel the shower was a total success too.
A wonderful time was had by all.
Your are very welcome, Stef.
All our love,
Aunt Chris & Uncle Neal.