Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Day in the Life...

Tyler has figured out how to hold his bottle by himself. This works as long as A) There is enough milk in the bottle to reach his mouth at the particular angle he is holding the bottle, and B) he doesn't move too much, or the bottle will slip, and crying will ensue.

Look how big I am!

The jumperoo has gained popularity in the toy choices at our house since he has gotten big enough to actually jump, move, and make the machine light up and make music play. Unfortunately, the jumperoo tune gets stuck in my head every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have discovered the way to feed yourself, you are on your way to total independence. You also have discovered the way to entertain yourself, with movements, colors and music. Your world is full of exciting new experiences, but wait: soon you will be crawling all over the house, you will try to climb the stairs, you will get the pots and pans for your Mom to prepare lunch and dinner, in other words you will become the master of the house. Congratulations, from now on you have it made! Love Nana