Saturday, September 5, 2009

More Summer Fun

This past week was a lot of fun for us. Last Sunday, we had the first annual Great Northern Bar Employee camping trip. We had a great turnout, perfect weather, and a super time. Tyler was a hit with everyone, and Kirby was surprisingly good as well. We swam in Tally Lake, grilled burgers, played volleyball, and had a campfire. I hadn't been camping in years, so it was a nice way to get back into the swing of it. Staying in Doug and Christine's new trailer was a nice touch as well.
Later in the week, Scott, Tyler, and I went back down to Flathead Lake to the Sargents Cabin. It was a perfect day. The water temperature was cool enough to be refreshing, but warm enough that you could swim in it all day. Tyler even came in for a while and seemed to enjoy it. We had beautiful weather and really savored every moment. It was a nice break for the three of us to have. Now with Labor Day weekend here, the summer is almost over. We are so fortunate to live in a place that people come for their vacations, and we remember that each day.

View from the dock

Playing in the water

Having a great day!

How can you beat this?


Anonymous said...

What great pictures! Whitefish is my "happy place" and your photos show why. All my favorite people and a place to relax. Miss you guys! Love you!
Love, Aunt Katie

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Tyler is ONE happy boy!!
Can't wait to see you all next week and give Tyler
lots of smooches and hugs. And nibble in his
sweet shoulders.
love to all,