Friday, July 31, 2009

Tyler's Baptism

We christened Tyler on Sunday in our backyard. Great Grandpa Al, a Lutheran pastor, did the honors. It was a wonderful and special ceremony. Thank you to everyone who was able to take part in this special occasion!
Tyler wore my brother's christening gown, my great grandmother's baby ring, and his new pendant from my parents.

Everyone after the ceremony. Luckily the rain held out until we had finished dinner.

Al preparing to put the water on Tyler's head. Uncle Nico got the water from a spring in Glacier Park.

Tyler with his parents and Godparents, Sarah Spindle and Ryan "Ferd" Wellington


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful ceremony. I have been waiting
to see these wonderful pictures.
You all look so happy and of course Tyler is the most
handsome child.
I'm sure Grandma Betty and Grandpa Tiger were
watching with complete joy!! I wish Tyler could have known them.
Congratulations on such a special day.
Love, Chris & Neal

Anonymous said...

We wish we could have been there and participate in the event. Papie and I were happy to see Tyler wearing the gold chain we sent; it goes well with the angel medal from Fafa & Rick. It was a happy day for all. Tyler will have to be told the details of his baptism, what happened to him and why when he will be old enough to understand the meaning of that ritual. The photos will help.
Love and happiness to all, particularly to Tyler, our petit Prince. Papie and Nana